1958-1959 Yearbook

190 A HARDING Academy school day is begun wIth each sludent receIving In structlon in Ihe BIble Coach Ted lloyd presenTS a study of Ihe four gospels REQUIRED sublects can be dull or vllal to educohon Mrs R,lc";e discusses geomelry problems wllh RIchard Jenkins and Jo Hughes Baggett Dean Goodson Gould John son Lasaler lawson ll oyd Faculty EDWARD BAGGETT, MA, is engaged in several musical activilies such as: d irecto r of the Academy chorus and the school bond, and teacher of high school music classes. He is a participant in faculty sports includ ing basketball and sofTball HERB DEAN , eA, MA, en laYS orl doss each day in which he helps studen ts to express themselves in point, modeling, and handicraft materials. Hoving been in Mexico for the paS! four summers, he has had Opportunities to study Mexican ideas in art MARSH GOODSON, BA, the head coach, toughens the boys each year for foolball season and in add,tion, coaches Ihe lunior boys· basketball teom In his leisure l ime, he likes to play golf and to read DALE GOULD, BA, seventh grade teacher In Ihe Elementary School received in the yeol$ 1956 and 1957 a NaTional Science FoundatIon schola rship. Along WITh his grade school work, he conducts a high school physics doss He f,nds a great deal of pleasure in doing carpenter work ELOISE JOHNSON, BA, plays The role of chief lIbrarian from whom Ihe students learn mucl, about books and Their usefulness. She is 0150 Ihe french and to,," instruCfor and helps in sponsoring .he freshman doss A very unusual hobby is hers-thot of studying words EVElYN LASATER, BS, finds her schedule quite full this semester as she began leaching classes in chemistry and biology. She is especlaJJy interested in encouraging her students to be aCf,ve in Science Fair work on bOlh a local and statewide level. She is fond of trav eli ng and likes 10 cook LOI S LAWSON , BS, has been working on her MA degree recen t ly and hopes to fin ish it this summer. As 0 teacher in the Elementary diviSion, she f inds plen ty to do, but en laYS free lime spent in handicraft work MARCELENE LLOYD, BA, along wilh her grade school teaching, pursues her InlereSI of sewing and cooking n.e Sub·Debs, one of the Academy 9"ls· social clubs, know and appreciote her as their sponsor.