Bill Beeson Carroll Beeson Ronald Carter Robert Dunham AI Gaston ONE OF the privileges of a club qu een is fO offend 011 fun ctions of the dub. Tr i Sigma Delta queen , Pot Sutherlin, is going with two Tri Sigs on on outing . TRI SIGMA DELTA "Old Man River" lends charm to T ri Sigma repast To gN th e yea r off to a good start the Tri Sigma Delias r1ected Pa t Suth erlin as the ir club qu een and Petit Jean queen nomin ee. To signify their apprec iatioll of l10r act ive support of the clu b, th e Queen was prf's{,llt('d a sweetheart sweater. During ti10 ea rl y w inte r months ami early s pring. Camp Tahkodah beca me the scen e of man y s tag outings. Th e Heart Fund ga ined act ive supporte rs this yrar as the club volu ntee red a day to coll ec t monry for thi s bene fi cia l drive, Th e' annual banquet in Februar y fo und everyone visiting "Old Man Ri ve r " The gu es ts entered the n.,m through life-preserver decked doors a nd descended on a gangplan k to the decorat ive main d eck. The festive atmosphere was enhanced by th e candl e· li!!;ht dillne r. A third fun c ti on at Bee Rock and th e spring outin g ill 'VIay at Lake Cat herine in Hot Springs provided s('\"(' l"al divrrsio llal ac ti v iti es to close a n exc iting yea r ror the c1ull. OFFICERS. Helms, D., Pres., Pitre, V-Pres .; Helms , B., Sec-Treo s. NOT PlCTUIED. Bridges, Epp, Ford James Galaway Boyce Helms Don Helms Charles Jester Ralph Johnson Lewis Keckley Heywood Loyd Herman McHan Bill Moore J im Norsworthy R. E. Pitre Darrell Silkman Marcus Speer Dwoin Thacke r James B. Williams 185