1958-1959 Yearbook

Curtis Anderson Ed Anderson Dean Bond loui s Boykin THE sports' bulletin boord by the library is the project o f the TNTs. The brick structure is a foca l point fo r 011 men's and women 's intramural sparls ac tivities . TNT A cowboy party highlights roundup of activities 184 Max Chambe rlain Odis Clayton David Favaro Billy Glove r Hugh Hartley Jerry Hughes Ru ssell Johnson Walter Keeth Leo Montgomery Joe Murray Phil Polter Neal Stine Since on ly f ive members of th e TNT club returned for the '58-59 school yea r, Pres ident Clayton and Vice-Pres ident Skipper se t to wo rk to r ebuild the club. Enthusia sm for th e yea r 's act ivit ies and prepa· ration for th e a rri va l of fourl(,(,11 new pledges w(' r(, fos tered by d in ner meetin gs al. th e homes of the cospon sors- first at th e Joe Pryo rs an d then at the Cec il Becks. For their project. th e TNTs made anoth er payment Oil the Athleti c Bull et in Boa rd whirh was adopted as t he club projec t two years ago. On February ~l. the dub ell joyed a M exica n d inner at the Pryors. The L('gion Hut \-vas the sce ne of a "" ]Vlasq uerade Party" on March 16. Two new m embers we re ill stall ed during the spring semes ter ano th e initi ation a t Bee Roc k was climaxed by an ex tend ed fm'est-fire fight on the ridg-e north of Sea rcy. The third fun ction was a mid-April event and th e spring outin g was an ea rl y Ma,\' ('Y(, llt 011 Pe tit J ean lTIOli n ta in , OffICERS. FALl: Cloylon, Pres .; Skipper, V Pres.; Keeth , Sec.; Murroy. Treas. SPRING, Bryant, V·Pres. NOT PICTURED. Bryont, McFadden. S i<.ipfJe~.