LAMBDA SIGMA "Horsey set" goes over the Pledge Week hurdles Artrr [I w ('(' k o f de m on s tratin g- th e ir profi c ie n cy a s srnanls [lnd th('ir ca pa biliti es a l ridin g "' l lO f S('S. l " Lamhda Sigma p led ges "ye r e w elcom ed into th e club -aft!')" illforma l initiation . Th e pl ed ges rece ived ""ip('cial " attcnti on during the g ruelin g w ee k wil en thr} \\('1'(' au c ti oned off to pe rform duti es fo r theil" purchasers. 'ldll} a r ti v iti rs ""ere h e ld du r in g th e year includ - ing ... Iag outings and a n eventful third f un c ti on . The IlroliP cilosr Li nda Crews as the Cluh Queen a nd gave hpr i.l <.;\\( 'a l r l' \\ ill! til e cl ub e m h lem a s a to ke n o f apprt'ciation . SlIrpl'i "i('s a nd a look into th e un kn c)\'v ll s uppl ied th£' 111('111(' "Things To Com e· ' fo r th e banqu el IIC ld in January a t Anrl erson ' s Hcs taura n L MI'. Bill Tragllr, tilr spr ak e r of th e cven in g-. ri e li vc r(' rl a SIJf,pcil ill (lccordan cc with th c futuri s ti c th eme. Oil \lay I I tll c club m embe r s a nd th e ir d a te s jourll ryrcl 10 Pelit .J ean fOl" a rela t ive ly h ri (' L hut dp",irahlr. vrntllJ'(' to th e outdoo rs and re lax ation . OfFICERS FAtl Porte r, Pres.; Beeson, V. Pres.; lemon, Sec.; Ebker, Treas. SPRINI Fbker, Pre s, Acke rs, V-Pres_; Ta rence, Sec.; Maple, Treas. NOT PICTURED Martz - ill ~ J:~ ,~ 0 Maurice Haynes Jim Howard John Lou Noel Lemon Gary Lentz Mike Maple Bill Matthews Di ck Mock William Oliver Benn ie Porter Ron Rhodes John Rich e rt Larry Sound e rs leon Siz emore Phil Summerlin Paul Tare nC8 Dwight Thomp son J e rr y Thompson Ke lso Waters Jerry Yarbroug h Gary Ackers Earl Ches ter James Coulson Dick Covalin ski Bill Diles Gerald Ebker John Flint Keith Floyd Lorry Hand LAMBDA Sigmas will reall y appreciate th is chocolate coke ba ked by Iheir cl ub queen , Lindo Crews . 179