Glen Browning Mike Canoy Mall Cotel Cafe Espana IS scene • 'Ynrkil1 ~ tog-ethrr on projec t s~ parties~ and numerous outings comprised a yea r of varied activ iti es for the emil Iirrs. A 1011<1, of Ih r Iialian was provider! at the thirty - first ,1111111,11 hallquet. Til is year it was dec ided to ho lel II", s(,lIli ronnal affair at the home of the spon - sur. Dr. Bill \Villi ams, \·vhrJ"e the room was arrangrd tn r('pl"(, <';(,lIt an It al ian Cafr. Mi ss Regina Clary, th e cluh '111 ('('11. was pr('sC'n ted a hOUf)uel of ca r nations tiro ill loY(' kllots . A rhallg(\ of pace' was introouced at the su ccess ful third fllll(lioli . Ti,e Cafe Espana with its co lorful pilllish drcoration s supplanted th e thou g ht s of th e ItnliillL Latin food and background mus ic provid ed a vj(\\\ of lif(' south of the border for the Cavaliers and their dalrs . Forgetting" hooks and schooL th cy took thcir dates on an rady spring outing fOl" a day of relaxation , fdlo\\ship. and fUll . I liking and exploring was th e orrico!" of Iho day wilh plenty of time out for the h(larl y nooll mea I. FAll: Conoy, Pres .; Stephenson, V. Pres .; Browning , Sec . Trees .; Rep. Bridges , Pori SPRING, Kefalopoulos, V· Pres. NOT PICTURED . A G IRL gets special attention and privileges when she is sweetheart of a men 's socia l club. These Cavaliers treat Regina Clary to 0 Coke in the student center. of Cavalier third function Nick Kefa lopoulo5 David Smart Roger Stephenson Ben Threet Joe Wilkins N. J . Wilson 175