1958-1959 Yearbook

BETA PHI KAPPA Valentine Sweetheart banquet honors club Queen Roy Adke rson R. 6 . 60rton Williom Bronch Sioh Davis Ted Foils John Foul.s BETA PHI Koppas , R. B. Barron a nd Bill Bronch present Mozelle Telchlk w i th (I locket for her third year as queen. 174 Highlighting the social events o[ th e club calendar thi s year was the traditional Valentine Sweetheart banquet held February 14. The invitations, place cards, and decorations used [or the affa ir were all ba sed upon the seasonal th eme and immensely aided th e ach ievement of the appropriate atmosphere. The honored guest of the eveni ng was Club Queen, Mozelle Telchik. In their allemptto aid others, the Beta Phi Kappas gave the infirmary a rad io as a club project. One of th e members in scribed the present " Presented by Beta Phi Kappa , the sc hoo Lyea r o[ 1958-59" with the club sea l. Acti vi ty in th e club sports program and participation in campus devo tional s gr ea tly incr eased the duh sp irit. The Beta Phi s, winners of the 1958 Pi Kappa DeLta Forensic trophy, eagerl y entered the competit ion of the intramural speech tournament again th is year. The outing cl ima xed an eventful year that grossed the club increases in recreation and solidarity. OFFI CERS. Branch , Pres.; Reese, V . Pres.; Borton , Sec. ; Mortin, Treos Foules, Rep.; Corter , Re j). NOT PI CTURED, Corler, Glenn, Hardaway, Knopp, Ph illips , Ven is. Don Holton Tom Ledford Jim Morti n O. l. McEntir. Clyde Reese Sidney Sm ith Ron Smotherman Benny Whaley