ALPHA PHI KAPPA Football champs have varied program of activities After initiating sixteen new m embers at Red Bluff, major activities for the APKs began with a chicken fry at Wyldewood . An evening filled with games, campfire singing, and generous helpings of chi cken p<'ppered with smoke, added up to a very enjoyable time for all. As a project, th e club completed th e College Park barbeque pit which has greatly increased the u se of the facilities of the park by th e faculty and the s tudent body. After struggling through a rugged schedule of rag·tag football games, the APKs emerged with th e championship. Before ending the yea r with an earlv spring ollting at Petit Jean. an Apple Pi c Supp<'r at the Searcy Youth Center was held. The r ed and" hite deco rations corresponded with the Val entine theme of the informal banquet. Miss Carolyn Barton, clected to r eign as th e club queen. generously supplied cakes which were enjnyrd hy all at club meetings. OFFleElS . Olree. Pres .; Figg ins , V· Pres .; Peacock , Sec -Tre05 .; Bozorth , Scribe. NOT PICTURED. Mayfield, Meadows . Billy Bames James Bevans Bill Bohannon Joe Bozarth Sammy Brooks Richard Corter Jim Cox Bob Crosby Jerry Escue Bob Figgins J erry Figgins Joel Gardner QUEEN of Alpha Ph i Kappa , Ca rolyn Barton was proud of their victory in Ihe rag-tag football contest. Cod Goad John Grakam James Healk Cline HenlY Ronald Kersk Jerry Mitchell Joe Olree Curry Peacock Glenn Randolpk Clifford Skarp David Shewmaker James Ston_ Jock Warren Mike Whit. l onnie Whitfield Eorl Wright / INTRAMURAL SPORTS HONOR r l73