WOODSON-HARDING COMRADES Fi rst Harding women's club gives birthday party Shirley Ann So len Ruth Buchanan Kathryn Campbe ll Jo Covi ngton Judy Dishne r Bobby Everett Oorothy Garre tt Jeanette Harrington Jane Hickingbottom Ly nn Hopper Syl vi a Johnson Iris McElroy Miriam McReyno lds Jeulonn e Po"en Virgin ia Po ll ock Sand ra Robe rt s De loy So nny Ma rva Jo Shupe Patri ci a Stine Darlene Tobey Yvonne White WHC, the first wom en 's socia l club on the campus, initi a ted th e n ew yea r w ith a birthday dinner h eld October 12 at th e Rend ezvo us to cel ebrate the anni - ver sary. Follow in g thi s cel ebra tion , the member s en joyed a bunking par ty to m ake prepa ra tions for the pledges-all thirteen of them . Member s wer e soon ca ught up in th e w hirl of pl anning for such act iv it ies as a n outing to Memphis, bv nking pa rti es, and pa rti c ipa tion in the intramura l speech tournament h e ld in Ma rch . The informal a tmosphere preva il ed a t the Coun try Supper w ith i ts fr ied chicken, apple pie, and froli c. The Legion Hut was the scene of u nusua l ac ti vi ti es such as the musical game a nd a hog-callin ~ contest . Filled w i th spring fever, th e m embers took to the w ide open spaces and Bla nch a rd Springs for the April 27 spring outing. A tea was held a t the close of the year for all form er members attending the Gradua - ti on ceremonies . OFFICERS . FALL: Harrington , Pres.; McElroy , V. Pres.; Buchanon , Sec. ; White , Treos. ; Patten , Rep. ; Stine, Hist -Po rl. SPRING: Harrington , Pres.; Campbell , V· Pres .; McElroy, Sec. ; Potten , Treos.; St ine, Rep .; Buchanon , Hisl -Parl. IRIS McElroy pnd Vi rginia Pollock serve two alumnae 01 the WHC coffee , on annual event during graduation week at the end of the year . 171