----.---~-- of Women and Men, Mrs. Inez Pickens and Cecil Beck , common experiences and studenl problems. ONE OF the busiest people on compus, Mrs. Inez Pickens, who is the Dean of Women and an English teacher in the Academy, is the adviser to the Big Sisters, the Women 's Interclub Council, and Paltie Cobb Hall manager. TO BE of service 10 men students is the moin concern of Cecil Beck. His varied act jvities as Dean of Men, Director of the Intramura l Sports Program, and Director of Armstrong Hall assure him of a full schedu le . EXECUTIVE Secretory to the President, Miss Marguerite O'Sanion, on active member of the Harding Business Women 's Club, has shown her interest in Harding by yeors of devoted, efficient service in the couse of Christianity.