THETA PSI Christmas happiness • IS TIl(' reception of twelve n C\lv members in qui e t, thoup;htful re fl eflion around lh e candlcli p; hl cer emon\' of formal induc lion al lhe home of Mrs. Cec il Al r\(]lldrr were mome nts 'vv ll en hearts found joy in warm rO lllpaniollship. Tt vvas also a linl c to re fl ec t on tilr prrvio1l5 week of va ri ou s duties a s pl cd f(('s ~ such liS se r vin g the plcdgc rna s tcrs a steak dinner 1)(' - fUf(' bring taken oul to Bee Hock fOI" a rig-oroll s in - furmal inil ia lion . Octoher 15 marked the third ann iv('I'sary of th is ff,lati vf'l.v n(,w group on campus. To (c l(' bratc. a birthda y dinner was held al th e Sewell Ii a ll apa rlm('llt of lilrir s poll sor. Th r c1uh Wf'IlL " " ' ay oOWII Soulh" for tll (' ir ban"uet held al the Renclezvou s on J anua r y 17. TIl(' SlIuthrrn hos pita lity and typically SO llth e rll fo od maflr tll(' gala ('ve nl a regal affair. Other art iv iti cs riurin g the yea,· includ ed a bunking pa rt y al Wylde - wood. a spring- outing. and a w irnf'r roas t in th e '"llIeRe Pork . OFFICEII S FAll Bo nowsky, Pres.; Vlnl he r , V-Pres.; Cross, Sec., lowder, T'f-nl looney . Rep · Hlsl SPRI NG, Bonows ky, Pres.; Vmther, V-Pres.; 6cl'rell lei Lowder Treos., looney, Rep· H lsl.; Bowcom, Po d , Nancy Banowsky Dori s Sorrett Glenda 8aw(om Toni Bowen Lu lu Browning Barbara Corni s h lenora C'OS$ Mary Arm Foust Marion Hanhan Re becca Heffington shared with crippled child THE spring outing brings thot long -awaited day out of doors that be - gins eorly, develops inlo fried ch icken 01 lunch ond cl ima,,;es in sunburn . Willene l ooney Dorlene Lowder Gerald ine Mas ters Sue Vinther , linda Wingfi e ld " '69