1958-1959 Yearbook

REGINA Mardi Gras festivities set Regina banquet mood AS A clu b project, each year the Regi nas presen t a medal on Pe ti t Jean day 10 Ihe senior student w ho best typi fie s Ihe Harding spirit. ....... Peggy Barker Carolyn Barton Anne Bixler Gail Childers Regina Clary Carolyn EadC5 Faye England Belly Floyd Carole Funk Bonnie Goodrich Carol Green Charlene Henri', The Regina Sp iri t Awa rd, presented each year to the seni or bes t ty pi fy ing the H ard ing spirit, is the annu a l projec t of t hi s club . The person selected is presented a n inscribed plaqu e a nd is honored and r ecogni zed in th e Pe tit Jean . Parti es and suppers at th e home of Mrs. Bess ie Mae Pryor initiated an eventful yea r foll owed by bun king pa rti es and a sca ven ge r hun t as a third fun c ti on . The " Ma rdi G ras at Ca fe Begina" provided seaso n al cntcrta inme nt for d ub nl cmbers and their da tes at th e F eb ru a ry ga la ba nquet held at Anderso n 's Restau ra n t in Bee be . Ca ndlelight and soft. sw ing ing mu sic a dded to the French atmosphere as th e coupl es d in ed. Tn kee ping wi th the selting, the girls were adorn ed in colorful eye m asks. One Monday in early spring, members and dates hea ded for a n en joya bl e day of fu n and res t at the tradition al club outing. For the Beg in as hiking and the outdoors equ a led a day o f fun a t thi s final event of a fas t closi ng yea '-. OFFICERS. FALL: Thompson , Pres.; Clo ry , V- Pres .; Harris , Sec-Treos.; Shewmaker . Rep .; Ba r ker , H ist .; Sisco, Po d . SPR ING: Clary , Pres.; Harris. V-Pres .; Smith, Sec- Trees.; Bix le r, Rep.; Barke r, Hist .; Floyd , ParI. Donna Henman Tommie Jane King Solly Noel Kay Northcut Dorothy Oliver Earlene Shewmaker Shirley Sisco Erma Smith laVonne Thompson Phyllis Vander Wall Marilyn Davis Williams Marilyn Wright