OEGE Rh e ba Jo Berry hill Betty Bul ler Georg ie Cla ypool Claude tte Fa ulk Ko ren Fry l o rraine Gee r Sara Good Jeann e Hocke tt Rose Jones Jane l ofton Je a n lu(as Eve lyn M( lau ry JUST before banquet time, the girls in social clubs hunt up formals to be tried on, a ltered, cl ea ned, pressed, and finally admired on that night. Scavenger hunt included among Oege activities Friday, Febmary thirteenth, actually became a lucky day for th e Oeges as they and their da tes enjoyed a "spooky" banquet with a witch es and superstition theme. A broken mirror , a witch 's caldron, and black cats were used . as decora tions to in du ce the appropriate atmosphere. The year's previous acti viti es included a r igorous week of pledging whi ch was climaxed wi th a forma l initiation. Enthusiasm and characteri st ic hard work brought vi ctory and th e intramural volleyball ch ampionship to th e group . A Sca venger Hunt held in December-and in th e rain-consisted of fun and fro lic for member s and thpi r dates. A chicken dinn er was served at th e home of Mrs. Lott Tucker, the sponsor , to quen ch the resulting "damp" appetites . The spr ing outing provided th e ch ance to "get away from it all" and res t for a day. Worki ng a nd plann ing together completed th e club solidari ty and an eventful yea r for the active Oeges. OffiCERS. FAll: Tatum, Pres.; Hockett, V-Pres.; Fry, Sec.; Taylor, Treas.; Sweel, Rep.; Westbrook, Hist. SPRING: Good, Pres.; Faulk, V-Pres., Claypool , Sec.; Berryhil l, Treas.; Stone, Rep- Hist.; Hockett, ParI. Jan e Mitchell Barbara Mitts Maril yn Rob ins on Brenda Se a slrunk Anita Sto ne Carolyn Sweet Ann Tatum Barbara Tay lor Elta Mae We s tbroo k Diana Wood ie ' 65