1958-1959 Yearbook

MU ETA ADELPHIAN Snow gives added zest to MEA western party Carolvn Ainsworth Sarah Baldwin Margaret Beauchamp Marylin Becker Pot Betts Harolyn Bowden Ja nis Campbe ll Martha Crowell Jane Goins PAT Be lts. Mo rgare , Beauchamp , and lyd ia Goins o re Ihree MEAs planning 0 1 0 dub meeting 0 1 the home of 0 forme r member, Pot Young . 16' The MEA's di splay durlng open house near the first of school center ed a round a typical MEA girl. Fourteen girls wer e el ected to become members of the club, and after a rough week of pledging they wer e formally initia ted in th e Emer ald Room. The new m ember s surprised the older members with a cake decorated with the cl ub emblem . On their third fun ction th e MEAs traveled to Wy ldewood for a western-style party. The theme for the formal banqu et a t the Rendezvous was "South Pacific. " Coach ed by Lydi a Goins and Pa t Betts. the girls used all their club spi ri t to reach the finals in the club volleyba ll tournament. Each member also ordered a club pin with the emblem of the half moon and star on it. Petit Jean was chosen as th e place wher e the girls and their dates spent a pl easant day on their outing. To keep alive all ' m emories of th eir gr eat year to· gether, th e girls m ade an ac tivity scrapbook . OFFICERS . FALl: Betts , Pres .; Beauchamp , V. Pres.; Baldwin. Sec .; Crowell . Treos. SPRI NG: Beauchamp, Pres.; Baldwin. V · Pres .; Sherroden, 5«_; Nelms, Treos. NOT PICTURED: Christol. lydia Goins Lou Martin Rosemary Matheny Sue Nance Joy Nelms Anna Ramsey Maggie Jean Shearer Ruth Ann Sherraden Dix ie Tessmann Norma Widel Faye Woodham Joy Wornock