1958-1959 Yearbook

KAPPA KAPPA ri-Kappas "prove" the superiority of the women Donna Adams l ynn Al exande r Elilobetk Cheek Morgie Clark Gayle Claunch Ma ry Ellen Fletcher Corolyn Hall Peachy Hightower Joyce Jennings Virginia Jennings Edna Lamberson Joan lyon Kathy Maddox Cla re McDougald Elizabeth Micholover POl Neal Hilda Porler Ferra Sparks Joyce Westbrook Mary Jean Wisenbaker Peggy Wisenbaker " It 's A vYoman 's vYorld "-that was the claim of the Tri Kappas in chapel thi s year . Surpri sing results included "Abi ga il Lincoln " and "Wilma Sha kes peare. " These feminin e counterparts of the more famou s masculine pe rsonages gave th eir views on thi s world of women . A feminine Mi ch aelangelo presented h er famous "S istin e Chapel" pa intings for all to see. N in e new members enj oyed a gay bunking pa rty after havi ng survived the g ru e ling pledge week . A whi te elephant Chri stmas pa rty add ed a n unu sual touch to the club agenda for t he yea r. Pe rh aps the resultant gifts we re not too use ful , but they wer e certainly ~~ diffe rent. " Bob Jones was elec ted th e cl ub bea u a nd was presented a loving cup signify ing thi s hon or . Then , hobo stew a nd a hayrid e to Bee Roc k comprised a fun -filled evening for th e club m ember s and their dates at the third fun ction, in spite of the chilly winter weather. OFFICt:RS. FALl: Alexander, Pres.; Jennings, V-Pres.; lyon, Sec.; Clark, Treos.; Hightower, Rep. SPRING: Clounch. Pres.; Sparks, V-Pres.; lomber· son, Sec.; Cheek, Treos.; M cDougald, Rep. THE chapel audience saw pantomime at its best in the per· formo nce of this trio composed of Porler, Sparkman, and Holl. , I Of