Morilyn Bilbo Soroh Burns lois Cobb Alice Conner Corolyn Davis Judith Dreher CIQudetie DuBois Norma Evans Pot Forsee GATA initiates try WiTh their informal and often impromp tu entertaining 01 rough iniTi otion TO impress p ledgemosters thaT They are good prospects. r and Spice" is gala GATA evening recipe South \,ill rise ag-ain-or so the GATA's thollght \Vh~" th e fl agpole they had been for a \V~~k sprollt ed a Con federa te fla g. At of tho \\"~~k, t"~ pledges provid ed ente rtain - and food for t"~ pledg'e rna sters as a part of th e ir I initiatioll . and Spir~"-anrl everyth ing nice, pr'ovi ded lit atmosph~r~ for the January 30 GATA to \\ hi r h rill forme r member s we r e invited . emllll,'" olljowd th o food, peppermint ice crea m. ill thr mid "t of randy hOllS(,S a nd the ra nd y Ilf'illiliful pillk r(]", t1 c. After dinner charad e's I "' pf'akillg contests on such topics as \\(' should challge' nllr moneta ry sys tem from ..lanciaI'd to (I randy standa rd" suppli ed CIl - t \ .John \,"i btJI l was an hon ored gues t at a"d "as pr~sc" t c rl a sma ll gifl. The ",HlIl ... nrpd a stud r llt at lite Japanese lba rak i 1I Collf'p.f' a.., a cluh project thi s yca l". A l P')r~~, Pres Wal~er VPres, Conner, Sec , Knore, Treos .; SPRIN('; HeHtmon. Pres Ri chardson , V · Pres .; Cobb, Sec. ; Sherry Hampton linda Hartman Edno Knore Paulo Obrecht Janet Beth Pace Judy Pa rks Ann Richardson Claudia Shewmaker Gerry Stone Motelle Telchik Jayne Van Wey Naomi Wolker rS9