1958-1959 Yearbook

SOCIAL CLUBS Social life • counsel • enjoyed by all, given wise IS WOMEN 'S social club sponsors who furnish Their lime and homes for club functions ore' FIRST ROW: Irene Johnson, Bela Tau Gamma: Belly Ulrey, WHC; Myrtle Simmons, Ome]o Phi. SECOND ROW: Joyce Riggs, los Componero5; Moe Ann Tucker, OEGE; Evelyn LasaTer, Kappa Ph i; Cleo Rhodes , Tofebt THIRD ROW, Betty Davis, DelIo Chi Omega; louise Ganus, rrj Kappa ; Won ice Beckett, Phi DelIo FOURTH ROW: 001 Beck, Ju Go Ju ; Colleen Hamplon , MEA; Bessie Moe Pryor, Regina; and Jo AleKonder, Theta Psi. NOT PICTURED: Jeanette Baggett , GAlA Social clubs at Il a rdinp; play an important role in ca mpus l ife. TI 1CSC arc not exclus ive org-a n iza tiolls for th e socia ll y elite beca use cve ry sturi cnt has thr opportu ni ty to hecome' a mClll bc r of a social rlub. Ma ny of th e clubs have Grcek names, bu t th ry arc purely loca l in orp;a n iza ti on and purpose. These groups arc sma ll enoug h for cachmcmber to partic ipa te in m aking- plans fo r va rio ll s activiti es. Althollg-h th e banque t and th e sprin p; ou tinp; ar e common high· ligh ts of the yea r, clu bs probably make their p;rca te,t contributi ons in th e fe llowshi p mem bers have in more info rmal and less s tructured acti vi ties. Pledge week a nri initi a ti on provi de a fes ti ve time for initiates as well as members. Club projects vary p;reatly, but each is a va luable contribution to the co ll ege, some worth y cause, o r a deserv ing iodividual. I n interclub ath le ti c contes ts a nri speech activitirs enthusiasm run s hi gh a nd w ide stud ent participa tion is afforded. Opportunities for real cr eati ve ability are provided in pla nnin p; for c ha pel programs. CLub spon sors ac t a s ad viso rs to cl ub officers. hel p interpret th e spirit o f Ha rd inp; to new members, srrw as per sonal counselors to ma ny students. a nd provide brea ks to campus r outin e by opening th eir homes for club meetings, initia tions, bunkin p; pa rti es and other acti vities throug hout the school yea r. MEN 'S social club sponsors who give advice when needed and weather all· night rough initiations are: FIRST ROW: Bill Williams, Cavalier; Ed Sewell, Bob Tipton, Beta Phi Kappa; Bill Hampton, Andy Ritchie. Fro ter Sodalis. SECOND ROW: Don Sime, W. K. Summitt, lambda Sigma; Kenneth Dovis, Galaxy; Harry Olree, De lta Iota; Jock Wood Sea rs, Sigma Tau Sigma. TH IRD ROW: Clark Stevens, John lasater, Pioneer; Jim Davis, Tr; Sigma Delta; Charles Pitner, Al pha Phi Kappa; Joe Pryor, TNT; ond Jomes Hedrick, Alpha Epsilon Chi. NOT PI CTURED are: Cliff Ganus, Herb Dean, Sub T.16; and Kenneth Perrin, Mohican. 1 156 I I ) j