Sweet seem to be having a stretching conlest AII·Stor game between Sputniks and Explorers. OEGES' chief spiker, Karen Fry, iumps high to slam the boll bock over the net as teammate Jeal Lucas looks on during thei r f Inal game with Delta Chis which ended in an Oege victory . of the newly -formed PhysICol Education club for P E. mom,no,\ listen os MISS Joyce Riggs construc ts and explains a I coorh,ng problem which may arise in basketball or softball. ALL-STAR CHAMPS, SPUTNIKS. FIRST ROW, Lydia Goins, Pot Belts, Caro lyn Sweet, Louella Wilson. SECOND ROW: Sylvia Johnson, Diona Woodie, Jeanne Hockett, Pot Ennis, Aileen Cornish.