AUSTIN gets set to sw ing ot a baseball in Spring high light. Dodgers survived wet weot her 10 w in Ihe intromura l championship. COLSON fails to get the bo ll over his toll opponent 01 net . This ploy come during fa ll intramura l volleyball season, wh ich fell 10 loaded Scots . JOE BOZARTH attempts to block Jerry Figgins· shot in M inor League AII-Slar gome. Aeria l League representatives oulscored Jungle League stars 55 to 35. tournaments in all of the major sports plus turned out to be vain attempts by students to tl", all-around, athleti cally inclined Fa culty. I. tho first inter class event, turned out to be a . for tl10 Faculty. Tn the si ngle-elimination _ ,on,",\. the Faculty, coast ing behind the pitch - of Hoh Meyers, beat the Sophomores 6 to 3, after O\'or the Seniors 5 to 0 on a no-hitter. Hugh a!J(1 Cliff Ganus lead the Faculty tennis to victory over the Seniors and Juniors. Ken Joe Pryor and Cli ff Ganus monopolized the and wore res pon sibl e for a Faculty r epeat in II. defeating the Sen iors in the finals. supremacy received its b iggest test in the tournament. The men breezed to the finals the Seniors. but there they met stubborn resist - fn,"1 tho Junior Class football ers. N either team ablr to i:lrcumul ale a margin over their opponents first meeting, which ended in a 7 to 7 tie. The _.'m" champion Juni ors fell in the second game, to a well -timed rag grab by Cliff Ga nu s behind Juniors' goal, by the close score of 15 to 13. An record in intramural play establish ed y as favorites in the basketball tournament. 149