FIRST ROW· Johnny Bryant, l orry Peebles, Jimmy Ad k ins, Billy Mac Smith, John Richert. SECOND ROW, Ed Higginbotham, Wallace Allen Arm!.· rong. Gero ld Ebker, Hugh Womack, Walton Weaver, John Flint, John Hazel ip. THIRD ROW: Atlantic Coach Pete Word, Jock Rhodes, Bo dey.... rn Bridges. Archie 150m, Harold Volentine, Joel Gardner, Jim Farley, Pacific Coach Tom loney. LEAPING high off f loo r , A rms t rong b locks Gardners shot. Not all h is shot s foiled, however, fo r Joel made 13 po ints. COLSON ,cored 13 poi nts, second high in game, and played superbly TO Out1'ood 09 Ployer trophy. Ed HighTower makes p resenta t ion ofter game 147