MINOR LEAGUE ALL ·STARS . FIRST ROW, Ed Hightower, Sammy Prlee, Jerry Jones. Bob Di les, Jerry LiTtlefield, Riehurd Baughn, M,kc White, Bob Crosby SECOND ROW Clyde Reese, George Vue, M,lo Hadwin. Ken COl!relJ, Harold Tandy, Jerry Manion, Jim Wdl'(lms, Sonny Holloway. Don Helms In mold iIis recruit s into a smooth -working" mach in c wilh sufficient power to heal Pete VVarrl 's Atlantic Lrague s tars h .Y tllC' Ilnr-s id rrl SCorf' of 83 to S3. AllllOLIgiI all of the twcnty pIaYf'rs got to playa cOflsidel·ahl(' amollnt. \Vallac(' Co lson oUl-performed them all illld won thr co\'C' leri Outstanding Pl ayer trophy whidl was awa rde d at Ih{' rtld of the game. J . H. Bailey WOII hi g h -scor ing lionors for the game' \\ itll 1 · ~ points. 1 Ie' was followed hy Pacific League t ra llll11ate~ .fori Gardnrl' alln Co lso n witli 13 [lno Atlalltic Leaguers vValton vVravrr" 1-Hld Jim Adkins with 10 carll. Til e spring spotlight focu sed on out. of doors activi - tirs. where has{'ilall l'(\igJled as kin g. Playing in l]le shadow of the illtcl'{' tdl('giale team. Il arriing's version 146 TALL TOM Bridges and Allen Armstrong contend for rebound ,n Bison AII·Star game. Ed Higginbotham and Gerold Ebker look on ARMSTRONG clears boards in typical form. Farley (55), Gardner (44), Colson (55) and Richert (24) watch. of the Dodgers pitched and balled their way to the Major League championsh ip. Wallace Colson, of llarrling basketball fame, pitched his mates to victory. TI c was a id ed considerably by the smooth ficlrling and sharp hitting of Leon McQueen, George Cox and Gerald Ransom. Playing on the Giant team, John TTa zelip compiled a .550 batting average to win in that rleparlrn enl. Minor League play resulted in a Vol championship. Pitche r Ali: Voyles was Iwlped along the Irail to v ictory by Gerald Ebker, Jerry Jones and Bill Diles. Early in tile fall intramural softball held all alidetes' attenlion. Six teams, not including the ineligible Village and Faculty, battled for the champion ship. Th e hard -hitting Vol s, fea turing the slug-