SHARP shows the technique he used to hurl the javelin fee, to win that event for Alpha Phi on Track and Field Day. EO HIGHTOWER leaps 20 · 1·· to win brood jump for second year. Sub Ts won 12 first places and scored a record 74 points 10 walk off with trophy. After re-enforcement they went on to beat favored Sigma Tau Sigma in an exciting game. Fred -Massey, record hold er in th e 100-yard swim, received valuable assistance from Dwight Smith a nd Jim Adkins to lead the Mohicans to victory in th e club swimming tournament. Paced by the powerful running of Bubba Davis, the Sub T -16 won 12 out of the 16 events on tTack and Field Day to rack up a record total of 74 points. Davis won the 100, 220 and 440 and placed second in the broad jump to win the hi gh point trophy with 19 1); points . A swift quartet of Sub T s lowered the 440-yard relay record to 46.7 seconds. Ed Hightower cleared the bar at 5' 7" to capture the high jump from J im Farley and Jack Rhodes. Almost exhausted from his exertions, Bubba Davis held on to bea t Roger Brown and Ed Hi ghtower in the fea tured 220. Harold Vanderpool won three first places in the high and low hurdles and discus to fini sh his last year with 18 Y,~ points, second high in the meet. FIRST ROW: Admiral Cliff Ganus, Weldon Hendrix, Joe Baldwin, Bubba Davis, Harold Vanderpool, Woyne Arnold, John Sam Kitching, John VanWinkle, Ed Hightower. SECOND ROW, Buddy McKee, Bill Belue, Jock Baldwin , Bob Wallace, Joe .Immy Garner, Glen Shriver, Walton Weaver , Jim Brown, Rayburn Knight. THIRD ROW: Roy Vanderpool. Archie 150m, Bill Stafford, Garrett , Don Johnston, Bob Silvey, Bob Jones, Jerry Jvnes.