1958-1959 Yearbook

TRACK 1958 Pioneering Cinder-Men • DETERMINATION written on his foce , Ed Hightower tries 5 ' 9 " 8150n5 fell 10 Hendrix and Henderson in second meel at Conway. made marks • • promising Wet weather, a dirt prac ti c~ track and lack of depth hampered the Bison tra c k squad 's record for their first season. In team scores Harding was able to place above la st in only two meets. Individual performances, ho\'vC'ver, were much beller than the tea m sco res wou ld seem to indicate. Distance runner Rog'cl' Brown was never challcngrd in the Illiie run. althou~h hi s linl c was not too outstanding at 4:37. Accumul a tin g more than fifty points during th e scasnn ~ "Bubha " Da v is sprinted the 100- and nO-yard das h~s in 10.15 and 22.5 seconds respectively. Half-miler Fred Massey and hip:h and broad jumper Ed ITi g htower were usually available for rela ys a fter competing in their specialties. Ed's best efforts were 5' 11 " and 21' 3" in the jumps. Ronald Lewis demon strated an admirable nevcrsay-d ie sp irit in hi s half-mile anchor lap of the mile medley relay. Frequently rec~ ivin g the baton up to 20 yards behind hi s opponents, the slow-talkin/< Arkansan always fini shed ahead, even if it meant complete exhaust ion after th e r ace. After a particularly strenuous come-from -behind victory at ASTC. Coach Groover obscl·vcd in admiration , "I wish every student at Ha rding could have seen Ron run." 1959 TRACK TEAM . FIRST ROW, Rayburn Kn ight, Assistant Coach, lewis Walker, Roger Brown, Fred Massey, John Flint, Jim (itty, Tom Myers, Ed High. tower, Harold Tandy . SECOND ROW: Wayne Gaithe r, Billy Mac Smith, Charles Von Winkle, Sidney Smith, Rip VanWinkl~, Leon Sizemore, Ken Cottrell , Bob Wallace, Jock Baldwin, Harold Valentine. 14 0