1958-1959 Yearbook

Administration A MAN deeply interested in students stands 01 his office window and is inspired by them as they file across the campus on their way 10 chapel. A very busy President is George S. Benson, but he makes time for even the smallest student problem. This man found Harding as a small struggling school but each year has set a goal for. il tho I he has never failed to reach. Courageous, energetic, persistent, efficient, and conscientious, Dr. Benson moves on always look ing 10 the future with hope and faith in the field of Christion education and its opportunities for growth. 14 " THE MAN for the job." Th is well describes Bill J. Teague, Jr., Vice-President for Develop· ment, for if any man con advance Harding, he can. His superb sense of humor, graciOUS tact, and contagious smile amply qualify him la fill his position as a representative of Ihe school. TO implement the goals set for Harding Dr. Benson spends many hours in air travel In a brisk walk from the office to the presidenfs home or in the many contacts he makes with students on campus, his character is an expression of vitality.