Interesting field trips to M emphi s a nd P in e Bluff the ma in acti v ities of Pi Gamma Ps i, t he aclOuntin /( cluh . On these excursion s th e membe rs different industries and learn ed a bout th eir ing sys tems, gainin g an in s ig h t into lh C' p rac- ,iewpoint of acco untin g. The ultima te hope to IHI \O Il arding's accou nti ng d epartmenl cert ifi ed slue/,'nis ca n la ter ta ke th ei l" CPA exa m . 'Frnnti r fs in Science" ser ve-o as th e th eme for th e Cluh's progra m . Act ively parti c ipat ing by ""';rnlil1o sc iontifi c pa pers a nd pa ne l d iscu ss ions, th e Club attended th e state m ee tin g o f th e Collegiate Aca demy of Scien ces. These ips rllcollragcd ma jors in scien ce to develop ~I'""; " , ,ol inter ests in the ir work . Mean \Table with h e r pea-sh ooter a nd Dumb "i th her dunce ca p were examples o f the I'Illllelm students the SNEA pa nel member s di scu ssed thf'ir chapC'l progr am . This sta rted th e ca mpa ign nrw mombers which r esulted in a roll of 96 hrrs, the seco nd la rges t in th e state. The SNEA . went on all yea r round . M a r g ie Clark, hi stori an, a nd LaVo nn c ThOln pso n, sla le secr eatt ended state wo rkshops l as t summe r . In the mC'lll hers went to the s ta te l unch eon in Little The hi gh light o f th e yea r wa s th e Sta te Con - in the spring, when Marg ie Cla rk was e lec ted president of ASEA. SCIENCE CLUB , FIRST ROW, Gary Ackers, .ores., Harold Tandy, v.-pres., Myra Dosher, sec-treos" lynn Merrick, reporter. SECOND ROW, Maurice lawson, sponsor, Joh •• Milton, Betty Dovis. THIRD ROW: Homer Anderson. Morvin Garner, Joe Hightower. FIRST ROW· Bilbo, Hampton, Richardson. Cheek, Westbrook. SECOND ROW: Foulk, leuschner, Jobe, Jennings, V., Swenson, Jennings, J. THIRD Peacock, Harris, Robertson, Boler, Scholes. 129