1958-1959 Yearbook

BIJITSU. FIRST ROW, Annette Pale, pres., Carolyn Davis, Sondra Powell. SECOND ROW, Dixie Tessman, Beverly Wilson, Don Pate. TH IRD ROW: Herb Deon, sponsor, Elizabeth Mason, sponsor, POI BeltS FOURTH ROW: Gory Golden, Bob Wallace, Kay Wilson. SPECIAL INTEREST CLUBS CAMERA CLUB. FIRST ROW: Jim Phillips, pres., Bob Co rter , v.·pres Jean lucos, sec.-treas. SECOND ROW: Evelyn Mclaury, Belly Butler. THI RD ROW: Cathy Smi th, Yari ko Q fu5a, Noncy Jo Newman . FOURTH ROW: John Faules, Jim Eckerberg . NOT PICTURED: Anno Ramsey. Murray W il son , sponsor Students view a spectrum of specialized activities " Boy' thi s pi zza is good '" This excla mation expressed the feel ings of ever yone a t t he Bij i tsu Pi zza Pa rly. Othe r parti es g iven for the fun o f thi s g roup we re th e lI a ll oween Party and the VVhite Elepha nt Chri stmas Pa rty. Bes id es h av ing pa rti es, th e club studi ed "techn ical bea utyll whi ch is th e mcanin gof th e Japan ese term, Bijitsu . The members took trips to v isit a rt museums in M emphi s and Littl e Roc k and sponsored stud ent a rt ex hi b its h ere on campus. Several "camera bugs" can nea rl y always be scen around campus try in g- Lo tak e a pri ze-"v inning pi ctw'e.' Mos t likely th ey are membe rs of th e Camera Club wh o want lo en ter lheir pi clu re in th e weekl y photography contes t held by thi s club. The pi ctures must be limi ted to t he ass igned su bj ect for the week 124 whi ch may include a ny thing from a nimals to dales on campu s. These contes ts fos ter a genuin e interest in photogr a ph y. "Come on, Muley, get a move on!" A rider in th(' Eques trian Club is urg ing h er horse down the lrail or across a stream . ""hen the members meet down at th e old r ed ba rn , Miss Riggs, the sponsor. gi\'es lessons in riding a nd oth er conn ected skill s. Besides ridin g tw ice a wee k fo r two hours,. th ey do everything f!'Om catching the h orses to brushing th em dowlI and feeding them. "Touch e !" called th e referee, Another fencer had scored again . So on went th e ma tch until somronr had scored seven points. Members gain ed poise and phys ical coordination from th ese practi ces, which took place a t Fencing Club m eetings.