1958-1959 Yearbook

'The A Tempo Club is a specia l interest club for especially interested in music; ' stated Morga n president of A Tempo, in their chapel lOII~a lrn at the first of the yea r. . prowd to be an interes ting theme for th e yea r . earn out thi s th eme, A T empo had spea ke rs and drmonstrations at the ir meetings. Oth,' r ,l( tivities included sponsoring recepti ons for gllest arti sts, an outing at Bee Rock, a nd an awarn. to the outstanding mus ic s tude nt. A last dose of Christmas Spirit wa s g iven by th e to eac h Il ardingite in ChapeL Not only d id ~i v(' their annual Christmas Progra m, they ill the lectureship programs and sa ng A Cappella Chorus, Academy Chorus and band in the Spring Opera, !l Tro valore. In addi - to Ihese campus activi ties, Illey took a Sprin g Irip which included concerts at points as sollth as Bastrop, Louisiana. Dr. Moor e, the director. expressed his appreciation to th e \\ ith a hamburger fry at the end of the year. A TEMPO . FIRST ROW, Morgan Richardson, pres., Lindo Horlman , v.' pres ., Claudette DuBois. SECOND ROW, Jeanette Read, Barbara Gleason, Mary Elizabeth Bolen, Marilyn Wright. THIRD ROW: Art Voyles, Barbara Taylor, Mildred Dovis, Jim Whitfield. FIRST ROW, Crowson, pres., Foulk, sec.-treos., Claypool, rep., Thomas , Bolen , Maddox, Forsee. SECOND ROW: While, Plank, Oook, Boker, Campbell , (avi nglon. THIRD ROW, Davis , Ruch , leuschner, Wisenbaker, P., Gleason, Wisenbaker, M ., Smilh, Hesson . FOURTH ROW: Venis, Meadows. McGee. Beauchamp, Hobby, Tandy, Tarence. FIFTH ROW: Keckley, (healhan-., Williams, Daly, Hendrickson, Claude, Sla rling, Martin, Eubank. ~ - 121