1958-1959 Yearbook

AN e.cillng and crucial mament in the game with freed ·Hardeman , loya l Pep Club members, aided by avid enthusiasts and led by competent display the enthusiasm and support w ith which they cheered the basketball team on to many victories throughout the successful season. CHEERLEADERS. FIRST ROW: Gerry Slone, Claudette Foul k SECOND ROW· Corolyn Davis, lindo Goyne THIRD ROW, Ben Camp, Kenny Dunn. At 2'lO on man y Sunday afternoons, one could Dirk 'VIock. president of Circle K announ c ing: K Pops! Brought to you as a public service K\\'CB by the Circl e K Club of Harding College. the community and the schoo!' ' ' Act iviti es as the lO minute radio program, r epa iring th e Church Il ymn books, and helping th e Ki - nub Minstrel Show, a ll demonstrate Circle willingness to fulfill their molto, "We serve." Be sure to bring your raincoat, umbrella, and is typi ca l advice of a Big Sister when writing her lillir sister in the summer. Besid es welcomthe new gi rl s and helping th em adj ust to co llege the Big Siste rs planned th e dorm Chri stma s and served as hostesses at th e teas for new Will )'ou paint th e welcome sign for the ball tOlllorrow night?" Cliff Sharp, president of the C1uh. is on th e job again making sure that every- \\ill he ready by ga me time. After th e memhave worked hard to put up all th e decorations. hurry to get dressed in their bla ck and wh ite for the ball ga me. Everyone sits together the Pcp Band and even " Butch the Biso n," the member, is there to root th e Bisons to victory. cheerleaders worked with the Pcp Club in actIVIties. Bes ides ch eerl eading, they could S('('n painting "Butch," servi ng as hosts at the lardeman reception. h elping w ith th e after parties, and building bonfires. All of th ese done with the help of the spon sor, 1E FREED · HRRDEMR~ • r ,.. 113