1957-1958 Yearbook

Something troubling you, boo-boo? Erect Barbecue Pit In Park Th~ Alpha Phis started the new school year with a stag ou ting at Bee Rock overlook ing sceni c Little Red Ri ver. Following pledge week, the fifteen new mcmbers joincd former pledgemas ters in plan - ning tb e ycar' s acti viti es whi ch inclucl ed th e hayride to Wyldewood that was climaxed by a wi ener roast, the banquet a t the Rendezvous in March , th e toy dri ve, and th e annua l spring outing. Tilli e Watson was chosen club sweetheart for th e yea r . In an effor t to promote student and fa culty usc of the College Park, the club er ected a long-needed ba rbeque pit on the grounds. The year's acti vities ended with the annual club breakfas t in th e home of sponsor Charl es Pitner. Jim Borden Jerry Mitchell Joe Olree Jerry Figgins Charles Pi tner President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Report er Sponsor 95 ALPHA PHI KAPPA ALPHA PHI KAPPA . LEFT ROW (FRONT TO BACK): Tillie Wotson, Dee Kingsbury, Jim CO)(, Je rry Figgins, John Graham, lorry Stone, Jim Borden, Bob Crosby, En Gurley. RIGHT ROW (FRONT TO BACK), Joe Bozarth, Ed Rockwell , M;~ e Whi te, Dove Meodows, Curry Peacock, Jim Holloway, Joel Gordner, M ... r, cn Word, Richard Corter. NOT PICTURED, Carl Goad, John Butterfield, Sammy Brooks , Bi ll Thomas, Jerry Mitchell, Clifford Sharp, Joe Orree, Charles Pitner. . ,