1957-1958 Yearbook

SENIORS DARREL EUGENE ALEXANDER Anderson, Ind. Speech lambda Sigma 1,2,3,4 , Tree s. 2: Campus Players 1,2, 3,4, Pres. 3; Alpha Psi Omega 2,3,4, Vice· Pres. 3, Pres. 4 ; Backstage Worker Award 2; Best SupPOrTing Actor,3; NEA I; Am. Ed. Theater Assoc. 4 . FRANK ALEXANDER Ontario, Calif. Bible MohIcan 1,2,3,4; NEA 1,2; German Club 4 . RUTH ANDERSON Pensacola, Fla . Physical Education Omega Phi 1,2,3; Science Club I ; Dactylology Club I ; Trampoline Club 3; WRA 4; NEA I ; Basketboll AII-STor 1.3.4; Volleyba ll 1,3,4; Softball AIIStar 1,3,4; Circle K Sportsmanship Trophy 3; High Point Intromural Trophy 3; Intramural Jacket 3; Alpha Chi 4 . EUGENE BAILEY Memphis, Tenn. Mathematics and Chemistry Post-Graduate. TNT 1.2,4,5; A Cappella Chorus 1.2.3,4 ,5; Bond 1,2; Symphonelte 3,4,5; Science Club 2; A Tempo .5; Who's Who in AmerIcan Universities and Colleges 4 ; Alpha Chi 4 ,5, VIce-Pres. 5. AUDEAN STAFFORD BALDWIN Elementary Education Cordell, Okla. Harding Women 4; Busineu and Professional Women 4 ; NEA 1,2,3 . VIHGIL BECKETT Searcy, Ark. Biblical Language Ipha Chi 4. IIORACE BEDWELL West Chester, Penna. Bible PAT J. BELL Enola, Ark. Accounting Frater 50dalis 2,3,.4, Trea~ . 3, Sec. 4 ; Accounting Club 4 ; Pres. 4 ; Schoo l of American Studies 3,4. AN"l BELUE Earle, Ark . Physical Education f tgino 1,2,3,.4, Rep. 1, PorI. 3, Pres. 4; Inter-Club Council Rep. 4 ; Intramural Volleyball All -Star 1,2,3; Intramural Basketball All-Sta r 1,2,3, Int ramural $ofrball All-Star 1,2,3; NEA 2.4; Home Ec. Club 4; WRA 4 ; Superior Athlete Award 2; Intramural Jacket 3. LO\RRY MORRIS BILLS Lufkin, T ex. Music Education Motucon 1,2,3, Scribe 3 ; A Tempo 1 ,2,3,4 , Pres . 3; Circle-K 2,3; Camera Cl ub 1,2; NEA 2.3 ,.4; Men 's Glee Club 1; Chora le 1,2,3, Vice- Pres. 3; A Cappello Chorus .4; Band 3,4, Vice-Pres. 4; Orchestra 3,4; Opera Work - shop 1,2,3: Softball 2,3,.4; Volleyball 2,3, 4 ; Basketball All -Sta r 1,2; Baseball 1,2; Who 's Who in America n Universities a nd Colleges 4 . 43