And Skills general science; history and social science; home economics; journalism; mathematics; music; physical education; physical science; psychology; and speech. For those students with a choice of a profession for which there is no departmental major, special fields of concentration may be arranged. The SCHOOL OF AMERICAN STUDIES offers specialized training in the following fields of learning: accounting, business, economics, history, government, secretarial science and education. To supplement the curriculum of the college seminar discussions are scheduled, guest lecturers of recognized authority arc invited, and extended tours are arranged. The dean is Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr. Expanding facilities, curriculum, and faculty have enabled Harding to increase the number of DEGREES OFFERED. In addition to the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees, she now confers the Master of Arts degree in Bible and Religion, the Master of Religious Erluration negree, and the Master of Arts in Teaching degree. In addition to achieving a satisfactory scholastic record, the candidate for any degree must be of good moral character. Closely related to the graduate department is the extension program under which classes in Bible and related fields are conducted in Memphis and Little Rock. 35 After Chopel begins the ru~h to check mail. grab a doughnut and make thot nex' closs before roll call. Nearing semester f inals, students in Prof . Sime' $ Bible class take noh!s frantically. These students find that the ir speech class con be entertain ing as well as instruct ional. Art classes seem more like ploy to these Ho rd ing ites .