1957-1958 Yearbook

Edwina Pac. Secretary to the Vice -President Gr.g Rhod.s Manager College laundry Amanda Riling.r Ani Slant Post Mistreu Harry B. Risinger Maintenance Dept. lI:efrigeration Eng ineer Dorma l •• Rog.rs Secretary Publicity Director Neva S.lvidge Manager College Inn Betty Simmons Secretary Alumni Office Ruuell Simmons Director Publicity and Publications leuna Smith, I,N. Anistant College Nurse Loyd l. Smith Field lI:epresentotive lobert Str.. t Manager College Form and Dairy Buford D. Tucker Executive Secretory Alumni Anociation Elbert Turman Chief Engineer Nadine Tyler Secretory Herman West Manager Harding College Press Patricia Young, I.A. Cashier Business Office Staff members take a break in the Inn. 31