1957-1958 Yearbook

J, ,,,: ,:o ' Tp.om . lef T to right: Coach Goodson , Clifton Ganus , Phil Rhodes, Lonny CO$ey , l a rry French, Donni e Thom;:>son. M ike Sims , Edword Hays, Ri chard Dean, John Underwood . Junior Basketball Coach Goodson g ives his jun iors a few poin ts of encouragement. Through the inspiration of Coach Goodson, the junior team played so skillfully that th ey assimulated the ir bes t record yet, winning 16 while losing onl y 4 . Judsonia eliminated them in the county tournament, but Casey and Sims were named to the All-County team. Three of the four losses were in tournament play. JUNIOR BASKETBALL RECORD Harding Academ y Opponents 31 Kensett 8 25 Bald Knob 16 4 1 McCrory 24 44 Beebe 31 23 Tuckerman 15 34 Hoxie 28 18 Jonesboro 38 37 Heber Springs 36 35 Griffithville 20 38 McRae 28 35 McCrory 26 24 Rose Bud 27 26 McRae 24 44 Bald Knob 25 30 H eber Springs 28 . ~." Central 16 · 30 Judsonia 43 ·· 31 Cord-Charlotte 33 53 Vilon ia 27. 48 Vi lonia 27