1957-1958 Yearbook

Football. ROW ONE: Marsh Goodson . Jimmy lawson . lorry Ford. Joe Spaulding . Jimmy Thompson. lorry French . Timmy Rhodes. Chris Dean. Reagon Dean, Jim Howard. Tommy Bryant, Steve Will iams. ROW TWO: Jerry Nevins, Carlton Burke, Warren Johnson , Bill Will iams, Bill Smith . Ronnie Kersh, Roger Locy, Pete Williams , Donn ie Thompson, Lonny Casey, Robert Kiss ire, Ted lloyd . Gridiron Season Brought Thrills And Spills FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 1957 Harding Academr 6 41 26 7 21 21 12 o o 20 Opponents H eber Spr ings 12 Bra dford 0 Marvell 46 Beebe 25 Bald Knob 61 Augus ta 51 Ark. Deaf School 12 Des Arc 32 Moun tain Home 28 Barton 7 230 The sweat and ener gy it took to practice under the hot sun ... the perseverance necessary to play in torren ts of r ain ... the thrill of receiving a letter and jacket ... football memories are made of this. Win or lose, nei ther the players nor the fans lost their spirit. Even in a season characterized by more losses than wins, the Wildcats managed to place Rhodes, Ker sh , Williams, Lacy, and Smith on the All-District team.