1957-1958 Yearbook

Library Club. ROW ONE, lot ino Dykes, Rosalind King, Naito Berryhill, lola Speak, Charlene Green. ROW TWO: Sonja McDougald, Bonnie Barber, linda Risinger, Jocquie Hathcock. ROW THREE: Annette Davis, Nancy KnoM. Mrs. Johnson , Pot Neal. Barbaro Robertson, Bettye Ritchie, Carolyn Houser, Myra Cope, Mary Bales, Mary Lea Northcul, Dee Vonne Clark. Of Character, Citizenship, And Scholarship Service is the purpose of the LIBRARY CLUB. Members aid the librarian, Mrs. Johnson, by checking books and straightening the shelves. Each year the club chooses the person who has been the best librarian . Of special importance was National Library Week during which time a display featured the slogan, "Wake up and Read. " Future scientists ... potential travelers to the moon ... seekers for new medicinal wonders ... these are the students in the SCIENCE CLUB. Each member worked on projects to en ter in the Science Fair, a compilation of projects from many schools over the state. President Larry Ford worked hard to maintain a high interest in the advanced sciences. Science Club . ROW ONE: Sandy Mills, Nellie Hazelwood, Joyce Flake, Bonnie Borber. ROW TWO: lorry ford, Ben Harding, Dale Essary, Reagan Dean, r)onnie Kersh, Bill Williams. ROW THREE: Coach Bob Cope, John Underwood, Joe Spaulding, Eddie Mclure , Donnie Thompson, Warren Johnson. 228