Key Chlb. ROW ONE: Tommy Bryant Pete Williams , Bitt Smith , Don Berryhitl , Bob Holmquist , Timmy Rhodes , Bi tt Williams. ROW TWO: Roger l acy, Dale Essary, Sid Tole , Joe Spauld ing, lorry Fard, Bitt Connon , Eddy McClure, Co rtton Burke. ROW THREE; Jere YOles, Jimmy Johnson, Ned Earnest, Jerry Nevins, Jim Howard , Bob Tiffin . Promote Development The KEY CLUB, affiliated with the national Kiwanis Club, is primarily a service organization. This year the club performed such services as helping raise money to pay for the band unifonns by operating a concession stand at the ball games, and sponsoring a car wash to help pay for new song books purchased for chapel. An annual project of the club is sponsoring the Athletic Banquet. Officers of the club are: Don Berryhill, President; Timmy Rhodes, Vice-President; Bob Holmquist, Secretary; and Pete Williams, Treasurer. Mediation between the student body and faculty is the purpose of the CITIZENSHIP CLUB. It is a very select group composed of one freshman, two sophomores, three juniors, and four seniors. One new member is chosen from each class at the end of each year. Under the capable leadership of President Don Berryhill and Sponsor Perry Mason, the club added a new snack bar to the school as its annual project. The snack bar provided a welcome break for everyone. 227 CIHz.n. hlp Club. ROW ONE: Na ito Jean Berryhill , Pat Neal. Rosalind King , Bettye Ritchie . ROW TWO: Tommy Bryant, lanny Casey, Bitt W ill iams, Don Berryhill , Timmy Rhodes. NOT PICTURED: Nancy Knott .