Debate Club . Joe Spaulding , Ben Hard ing, Jim Howard, larry Ford, NOT PI CTURED: Bill Cannon. Many Varied Organizations Drink and be merry for tomorrow we present th is play. The DEBATE CLUB, sponsor ed by Mrs. Vanderpool, acqurrinted its m embers with the uses of parliamentary procedure, deba te, and extemporaneous speaking procedures to be used both in and out of th e cla ss room. The topic for discussion was: Resolve that Direct Economic Aid Should Be Substantially Increased. The five members attended the State Debate convention and all r eceived high ratings. Pantomimes . .. drama ti c scenes ... and a three act pl ay were the forte of the DRAMATICS CLUB. The club's ac ti vities began with a masquerade Halloween party. Shortly before Christmas_ drama tics students presented cutt ings from Dicken's "Christmas Carol. " For the fin al production, Mrs. Va nderpool directed a three ac t pl ay, "Our Hearts Were Young and Gay." These stud ents gained experience in wr iting scenes as well as ac ting. Drama Club . ROW ONE: Joyce Flake, Sonja McDougald, Jocquie Hathcock, Judy Evans, Jean Thompson. ROW TWO: Barbara Robertson, linda Simpson, l ola Speak, June Hillhouse, Nellie Hazelwood, Jeannie Hazelwood. ROW THREE: Ronnie Kersh, Reagan Dean, Bob O·Connor, Bill Hall, Gammon McHonnon, Victor Medina, Glenn Parks.