Salli. chats with visiting delegates 01 the Council Conference , Harding Originates First Christian College Conference A First for Harding , .. a first for all the Christian Colleges ... that was th e Student Council Conference to be held among all the Christian Colleges. Harding acted as host to twenty-three delegates from Abilene, Alabama, Central, David Lipscomb, Florida, Freed-Hardeman, and Pepperdine College. The delegates began arriving early February 13 to register for the conference which lasted through noon February 15. After the first day of discussions, a special banquet was given in honor of the delegates, and the day ended with a social hour following the basketball game with Freed-HardemanDiscussions of school and community relationships and integration in the Christian colleges were held on February 15. The conference was concluded with enthusiastic response from all colleges represented who voted to continue these conferences each year, alternating the host college.. Even the mild snowstorm couldn ', chill the spirit and purpose of the conference , Food, fun, and fellowship were 'he order for the second night of the conference,