1957-1958 Yearbook

Dactylology. FIRST ROW, H. Gentry, J . Goins, N. Wolter , J . Parrish , l. Odell, N. Hoofnagle, S. Good , J . Garrett , l. Burkeu , C. Sweet, C. Anderson, 8. Robertson, P. Wotson, l. lMney . SECOND ROW: C. Hawkins, B. Walker , R. Browning, V. Borden , T. Watson, N. Starr, E. Shewma ker , .E. Lamberson, L Geer , J . Hockett , R. Johnson, R. Plank, J . Knowles, M. Blake . THIRD ROW, J . Whitfield , C. Thomas, l. Robertson , V. linam, C. Babb, S. Lauer, G. Davis, P. McKay , S. Cumm ings , A. Kelley, F. Conley, K. Wilson , K. O'Conner, C. Robertson , K. Yokomor i. FOURTH ROW: B. Anderson, R. Hawkins, D. Sta rr , B. Ba tes, l. Stone, D. Miller, E. Land , D. Sime, H. Claude, J . LaNier, J. Moore, R. Gentry , R. McDougald, D. Kingsbury, G. Hughes, B. Stephens, G. Blake. Opportunities For Multiple Tastes Modern l a nguage. SEATED, Kiuko Yo l<omori, Jim Phi llips, Warren Snyder, Dea nna Smith , Alice Stewa rt, Kirsten Christensen, Sue Vinther , Jeanette Harring ton, J . C. Moore, Bob Helsten, Jim Eckerberg , Mozelle Telchik . STANDING , Fronk Alexander, La wrence Barclay, Jock Ryan, Leslie Burke . Camero Club. SEATED , Donna Peugh , Carolyn Brookshier, Margaret Wolfe , Jim Phillips, Hideko Kobayashi, Po t Hucka bee, Mory Blake, Betty Kendrick, Evelyn McLaury . STANDING , Roy Bailey, Bob Dougherty, Dona ld Richard . IOn, Adelene Spence, Mike Canoy, Gory Bloke , Robert Ford . 190 During the second year a t }-J arding the DACTYLOLOGY CLUB conducted classes for beginners, intermedi a tes, and advanced students, chapel progr ams for the Negro school for the deaf, and monthly visits to the Arkansas School for the Deaf. Wor ship services wer e conducted each Sunday_ French _ .. German .. . Spanish . . . these are th e special cultural interests that make up the MODERN LANGUAGE CLUB. To further interests in and knowledge of foreign languages, customs and traditions is the goal of the club . Conver sation was carried on in the acquired tongue of each member during the regular meetings. Besides h aving in ter es ting meetings twice a month, th e CAMERA CLUB sponsored monthly ph otographic contests, presented a chapel program, h ad its annual outing, and in troduced to its activities a fo rma l banquet. All of these fun ctions plus keen in te rest on th e part of ·the members caused this to be one of the most success ful year s in the club's h is tory.