Efforts Of Student Circle K. Don Edwards . Moody Barrentine, leon Sizemore, Doug Totty, Wayne Cooper, Roger Dinning, Dan Oalgreen. Bill Dismuk.e, Bill Morgon, Jock Ryan , Raleigh Wood. Jim Gaskill, Colvin Downs. Rudy Oiderich, R. E. Pitre. 3:00 p.m.... 9:00 p.m.... 12:00 a.m.... no matter what time of day or night the CIRCLE K CLUB members were at the train, bus, or the parking lot to meet students returning to school. Moving in was easy with them there to carry those big trunks and boxes. After the school year had settled into its normal routine, Circle K began its drive for new members with fifteen being added to the club. Our club has had the distinction of providing the governor and secretary of the Mo-Ark district for the past two years. Van Gogh ... Rembrant ... Grandma Moses ... these are some of the painters you might see at the annual costume party of the BIJUTSU CLUB. Bijihu . FIRST ROW: Wil ey Porker, OUis Hilburn . linda Parks. Elizabeth M ason , Will Porker. SECOND ROW: Billie BUller, Morlho McKee. Annette McDougald, Darrel Alexander, Kay Wilson, Gayle Clounch, Susie Mochizuki. Jo Wilson. This club has as its aim the promotion of interest and study in the visual arts on the campus. Other activities range from sketching trips to a "white elephant" Christmas party. To promote greater social relations among Harding veterans ... to help freshmen or transfer veterans adjust to college life . . . these are the objectives of the VETERAN'S ASSOCIATION founded at the close of the 1956-57 school year. In serving the school, this club has provided a list of blood donors and blood types of their members to the Student Association for use in emergency cases. V.t.ran's Auoclatlon. SITTING: Ernest Wright . Dick Miller, Bob McKenzie, Warren Gunlharp. STANDING: Benny Porter, Neil Durgin . l. M. Stephens, Raymond Smith , Jack Campbell . Dee Kingsbury. 188