1957-1958 Yearbook

a..Ient H.E.A. ROW ONE, C. Davis. N. White. M. Dav i~ D. Putman . l. Thompson . D. Jones . Mrs . Cathcart, G. Claunch. l. Parks. A. Smith . E. Travis , A t.chardson,J. Johnson, E. Cheek. ROW TWO, J . Read, J . Helm, V . Linam R. Kend rick. B. Ethridge, C. Trent , D. Wise, G. Shewmaker , J . Patten . N. Storr. H Ear ll . ROW THREE , N WolTers, l. Cutts, B. Neill , F. Conley , B. Ch ilds, E. Milts, M. Dunn , E. Robinson , C. Watson , E. Owens, C. Thompson , T. Watson , M Tucker. ROW FOUR , E. lamberson , J . Jenn ings. G. Browning , R. E. Pitre, D. Way , R. Bailey, B. Diles, E. Knore. J . Mobley, M. Caudle, A. Seay. ROW F1V£: C. Downs. G. Timmerman, J . Ebker , P. Grubbs , J . Ryan , N. Stotts. D. Da hlgren, H. RoberTS, O. Murphy, B. Scho les . Student NEA Provides Professional Preparation Always one of the most active organizations, the Student NEA sought to channel student interest toward the teaching profession . Activities were initiated by a membership drive, climaxed with an adaptation of the TV program, "This Is Your Life." The resul t of the drive was 130 members, composing the state's largest chapter. The NEA Mr. Brown of the White County Train ing School was a guest speaker Of one of ou r regular bi.monthly meetings . 183 met twice each month for programs that included visiting speakers, panels, and films . Under the capable guid~nce of Sponsor Ed Sewell, the varied programs showed the careful planning designed to create a professional interest. The highlights of the year were the fall luncheon and spring convention in Little Rock. • NEA OFFICERS : Jock Ryan, V.- Pres .: Garrett Timme rman , Pres .; Rosemary Kendrick, Sec.. Treas .; laVonne Thompson , Rep.