Student Co",ndl . Ron Bever, Kiuko Yokomori , Wayne Arnold, Sue Poxson, leon Clymore. Sorlie Turner, Bill Floyd. Glenn Parrish, Peggy Watson, Dean Priest, Betty Clark . NOT PICTURED: Jim Borden. Student Council-Spirit and Activitiy Spirit and Activity - these two words characterize the 1957-58 Student Council. The year started off with high speed even before the opening of school with the early arrival of the officers, the setting up of the information booth, supplying guides for new students, and giving out name tags previously prepared for each student. Activity was constant throughout the year beginning with the get-acquainted parties for new students and the watermelon feast for all during the Cabinet. SEATED: Martha Tucker, Mary Dunn, Glendo Colvert, Kay Wilson, loVonne Thompson . STANDING: Benny Porter, John Wilson, Bill Diles. NOT PICTURED: Dick Hawkins, Bill Stafford, Harold Vanderpool, Otis Hilburn . Office,. , Bill Floyd, Sollie Turner . Glenn Parrish . 182 first week, and continuing with class elections, regular Saturday night movies, guides for visitors on campus and various intercollegiate sports' activities. Spirit was evidenced in the planning of and participating in many all-school events, such as the Tacky Halloween Party, the Christmas caroling, the Spring Party, and Twirp Week. The Council organized the student body vespers held outside each Thursday night and the first pep club at Harding in manY .years.