lnKk· field Champs, Sub T- 16 . FRONT ROW : John VonWmkle, Dick Johnson , Bill JQhnson, Sam Kltchmg, Ed Gu rganus, Wil lard DavIs, John Thornton, Don Jonnuon, Da le Flallbeard. SECOND ROW : Harold Vanderpoo l, Bob M itchell , Wayne Arnold, Don St ri nge r, Don Humphrey, Bob Wa llace, lee Winters. John Vanderpool, Harold Norwood , Keith Boler. BACK ROW : Herb Dean , Bil l Sta fford . Jock Baldwin, Roy Vanderpool. Ed Hightower, Joe Hightowe r, Gaffel! T.mml"rman Cli ff Ganus Thrill Of Intramural Sports Track and Field Day provided a grand cl imax 10 Ihe year's intramural sports program. Nine school records fell before the keen compe tition off~red by a record number of participants. Roger Brown, who has es tabli shed himself as H arding's "Iron Man of the Cinders," won the individua l scorinp- trophy with twenty-two points. Roger lowered the century mark to a cr editable 10.0 seconds and won h is specialities - th e 440- and SSO-yard dashes and Ihe one-mi le run . The Sub T-1 6 social club, paced by Harold Vanderpool and Ed Hightower, placed first in learn stand ings with a lolal of 61 poinls. Harold Vanderpool POUts on the steam to ta ke f irst place in ttl. high hurdles. Puuuing is Bil l Path. 177 ABOVE : Mohican relay team composed of Bill Path , Jim Atki ns, Norman Dykes, a nd Dwight Smith won the 4 40 yard event. BELOW: Roger Brown shows last se(:ond spurt wh ich put him past Bill Path to w in the Century race in a record break ing time of 10.0.