Intramural Champs, Harvard. FRONT ROW: Conway Seltton, George Treadway, Ron Bennett, Mike Maple. BACK ROW: Ed Morphis, Ken Vanderpool. Fuzzy Weatherwax, Gera ld Griffith. Downs and Knight match spikes 01 the net in rigorous contest. Allstars. FRONT ROW: O. Hilburn, D. Johnston, G. Shriver, D. FloKbeord, G. Treadway, H. Evans, C. Se:(tan. BACK ROW: J. VanWinlde, G. Gurganus, E. Gurley. J. Ebker. P. Huff. R. Knight, J. Hazelip, C Downs, K. Vanderpool, NOT PICTURED: G. Timmerman, Volleyball And Ragball Volleyball stimulated the intense interes t of many eager .netmen . Well-matched teams fought vigorously as the ball was volleyed back and forth in hotly contes!cd matches. When every team had played its course of games, however, Harvard held the trump card and won the school crown. To terminate intramural competition the Western all stars fought off the serging men from the Ivy League to preserve victory. The regenerated Faculty made the younger underclassmen look like men of yesteryear with superb setups and spikes and walked off with the class tourney; and by fighting off determined opposition, the dauntless Sigma Taus earned the coveted club championship to bring to an end another thrill-packed volleyball campaign. The Sub-Ts won the club ragball tournament after surviving a hectic schedule. N ice try, Don. but Owen is awoy in Sub-T 'Is. APK ragboll game.