1957-1958 Yearbook

• LoRue WhiTlock· Barbara Mehan Cheerleaders -- Our Spirit Boosters Rega rdless of how polished a team is on the basketball floor, the baseball diamond, or the track, they need that indispensabl e support from the fans . The Harding athletic teams can always count on thi. kind of backing with the help from its ever-loyal and hard-workin~ cheerleaders. These six girls were elected by the whole student body 011 the basis of their all-round ability and personality both in or in front of the crowd. Always the life of the spectators, they were consta ntly working up new yells and planning better ways to raise the spirit of Harding fans wheth er the Bisons were winning or losing. The sex tette could be seen serving as hosts to visiting teams and their cheerleaders in true Christian sportsmanship. What do you wonT? Baskets . WhaT do you want? BASKETS. Faye Berry Margie Cla rk 166 Judy JohnKln Carolyn Dovis