A Cappella Chorus. FIRST ROW: D. Hampton , C. Hightower, M. Davis. D. Smith, B. Scott. B. Kline, M. Duer, L Bills, J. lindsey, C. Pogue. l. Hufford, J. Vanderpool. SECOND ROW, J. Rhodes. l. Thompson, V. lanham, D. alevins, P. Teague, D. Hayes, l. Bennett, W. Wright, B. Silvey. B. Porler, l. Robertson, G. Claunch, C. Martin. THIRD ROW: H. Volentine, J. Lewis. Y. Fogon, G. Cosey, E. Ritchie, v. Borden, l. West, E. Bailey , It Bailey, A. Sobo, l. Hartman. J. Wilson. FOURTH ROW: C. Pearce, C. DuBois, P. Porker, A. Voyles. 8. Ethridge, J. Watson, H. Vanderpool, C. Horris. S. Turner, B. Sullins, B. Clark, M. Redwine, N . Stotts, FIFTH ROW: R. Vanderpool. A. Duckworth, P. Goy, l. Smith, D. Stephenson, V. Organ, M. Richardson, P. Grubbs. M. Coldwell. It Rhodes. T. Murphy, D. DQrJing , A. Hendrix, J. Williams. A Cappella Chorus To many people the A CAPPELLA CHORUS is a goal. First of all, it is a goal in itself to become a member of this highly-reputed organization which is known all over the nation by its weekly radio program, "Hymns from Harding;' and its two extensive tours each year. Once a member of the chorus, it is a goal not only to l earn the music and meet the chorus' many Gngagements but to constantly strive for higher inspiration for others and for self. This year the choms traveled to Chicago and Cleveland during the fall tour and through parts of Texas on the spring trip. It also appeared on chapel, lectureship and television programs, in community concerts and various weddings, and before numerous organizations. The chorus is directed by Kenneth Davis who by his example disseminates a love for singing. Receptions are always fun for the chorus. Even though bus rides are long and tiresome , they provide a lot of fun. Ken Davis directs the chorus.