leon and Bill get new points for argumentation Debate. Bill Floyd, Raleigh Wood, Eddy Nicholson, Ron Rea, Dr. Ulrey, Don Humphrey, Richard Hawkins, leon Clymare, Ortis Hilburn. 150 Pi Kappa Delta Grows And Grows Inter est incr eased along w ith the deba te budget and an expanded deba te it inera ry as Pi Kappa Della fini sh ed i ts second year. The fra ternity, sponsored by Dr. Evan Ulrey, encouraged pa rti cipation in for ensics, including deba te, di scuss ion , ext emporaneeous spea king, r adio speaking, or al in terpretation. and orig ina l oratory on both the in tramural and inter collegia te l evels. Participa tin g in these acti vi· t ies were twel ve students. T eams were entered in eight debate tourn aments in six sta tes. In the Invita ti onal T ourn am ent a t the College of the Ozarks, Clarksville, Arka nsas, Ral eigh Wood and Sam Kitching were selected as ou tstanding spea kers; and Ron Rea a nd Eddy icholson ta lked their way into the limeligh t as the mos t ou tstanding junior team. Ron shares his information w ith colleagues.