Both fun ond work go on behind dining holl serving counters . And In Service To Others In His Word, Christ taught that he who would be greatest must be the servant of others. We learn to serve through teaching, preaching, and Christian living. Many young men preach on Sundays in communities near Searcy. Each Sunday afternoon a group of students hold worship services for the people at the county farm. Others learn sign language in order to teach the deaf - making frequent trips to the Deaf School at Little Rock. Harding is filled with organizations that offer students an opportunity to serve. The Bison and Petit Jean relate the news and record our memories. Musical organizations provide entertainment, sing for funerals and weddings, and give programs to advance the interests of the college. The student council promotes campus activities, and the big sisters aid new girls in adjusting to college life. It takes a week but the Bi 50n serves us o big variety - Petry to Humphrey . Circle -K operates 0 halCheck stand ot a district Kiwanis banquet.