Alpha Chi Promotes Higher Scholarship Promotion and recogmtlOn of scholarship and of those elements of character which make scholarship effective are the objectives of ALPHA CHI. The Arkansas Eta Chapter was installed at Harding College March 1, 1957, upon the petition for a chapter by the Alpha Honor Society which was organized in the winter of 1936. Membership is restricted to not more than ten per cent, respectively, of the junior and senior classes. To be eligible for membership a student must have completed at lease 24 semester hours of work at Harding College; also, members of the junior class must have attained " You shall know the truth. a 3.70 scholarship index in not less than 80 semester hours and members of the senior class must have achieved a 3.50 scholarship index in at least 104 semester hours. Good moral character is an additional requisite for membership. Alpha Chi has an annual banquet at which old members, honorary members, and new pledges join in an impressive initiation ceremony. Twelve seniors and five juniors of '58 attained the muchsought membership. The society presents a medal to the senior with the highest four-year scholastic record. Alpha Chi. ROW ONE: Juanice Neistcdt, Mortha Tucker, Carolyn Gelley, Annelle Parmenter, Elizabeth Perrin, Asako Kokehi , Rose Jones, Rulh Anderson. ROW TWO, Stan Schwarz. Eugene Bailey, Calvin Downs, Homer Picklesimer, August Garver, Ray McAlister, Virgil Beckett, Neale Pryor, John Vanderpool, Bill CO)(, Gory Peddle, Joe Hightower. NOT PICTURED; Harold Vanderpool, Betty Fisher, Jim Goskell, Bob Holloway, lynda I York, Ronald Bever, Jock Wilson.