1957-1958 Yearbook

Who is the 1958 Petit Jean Queen? The answer to this long-asked question was shrouded in secrecy until Petit Jean Day arrived. Girls nominated by men's social clubs were presented to the student body in chapel, and three finalists were selected from a field of fifteen. Nervous but smiling, Gayle and Ann display their poise for those votes. Congratulations ore in order as the 1957 Petit Jean era is finally completed by a banquet at the Rendezvous. At last, the finished yearbooks arrived, and the Queen was introduced with her court of class favorites, honor students and best all around students from the college and academy. After the crowning and dedication, yearbooks were distributed and the frantic signing of them began. Dedication Day Discloses Personalities Nominees. Ann Tatum, Gayle Claunch, Cathy Payne, Delio Befh Stephenson, Mozelle Telchik, Tillie Watson, Betty Clark, Sandra Phillips, Sollie Turner, Gayle Easterling, Loreto Hufford, Betty Boker, Peggy Mossey, Gloria Shewmaker, Joyce Jennings.