linda and Eddy typify the coup les who spend many hours doting at the mov ies, SWings, or various feotu re attractions. In Recreation ... Many fa ctors a rc combin ed to develop Christian character, and not the leas t of th ese a rc the varied recreational const itu en ts we find at Tl arding. Music is an integral part of ll a rdin g, a nd singi ng late in the evening around the fi shpono or in the Studen t Center is always a source of enjoyment. The hou rs spent in the Inn leave many unforgetta hl e "s pecial memories." A major source of recreation is our social clubs that provide us with parties, stag outings, banquets, spring out ings, and keen comp('tition in activities among clubs. The campus a ctivities were heightened by the tacky party at H a lloween , th e newly- instituted intercolleg iate sports, the Singathon plus a multi - tude of dates. Traoitional a t H ardin g a rc the a lwaysoccupied swings, the Harding "moon s", and benches around the lil y pon(l. Wherever our activiti es carry us, and wh a tever we do, God and 11 is Son remain the foundation of H a rdin g life. A pizza supper was held for The COS! and workers followi ng lhe Comedy of Errors ·